Samstag, 9. April 2011

IF - bottled

All the ingredients necessary for creativity have been bottled, but unfortunately at the moment there doesn't seem to be much left... Let's hope for new supplies as soon as possible.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Interesting take on the topic. I like that they're all empty!

  2. Love this! There's a saying around here to "light a fire under you". Okay, I edited that a little because the actual phrase is a little crude as to where exactly you're supposed to light the fire. Time to fill up the bottles and make magic, right? :)

  3. I love your thoughts, here....I agree, sometimes the creativity bottle runs dry, but this is sure creative! Your illo is great!

  4. Hey, this is proof that your creativity bottle is way full! Your style is good, lots of movement in the strokes.

  5. Hello! I linked here from Linda's blog-
    You do have all the necessary ingredients to create- And you did a great job to inspire others! Wonderful work! :o)
